Bringing Design Closer With Gerry Scullion

Bulelani Mfaco 'Surviving on the margins of society'



This episode was brought to you by This is Doing - Design & Innovation Online Learning Support This is HCD by becoming a Premium subscriber. In this episode, I speak with Buelani Mfaco, a South African asylum seeker and activist based in Ireland - he’s a spokesperson for MASI, the movement of asylum seekers in Ireland and is an active voice in shedding light from within one of Irelands Direct Provision centres, Knocklisheen in Co. Limerick. To give some background to this system, in 1991, only 9-people sought asylum in Ireland, compared to 3883 in 1997. This caused alarm to the Irish and the Irish Government at the time, But rather tackle and provide a safe refuge for these people who are vulnerable, they created this scheme to detract or reframe that the Irish “social welfare system was in some way attracting asylum seekers to this state”. Some people listening may ask how this topic is related to Design - it is absolutely interrelated. The awful experiences that Bulelani and the thousands of people in