Grant Writing & Funding

Ep. 4: 10 Must-Haves In Your Grant Background Section



Welcome to Part I of The Five Main Parts of Writing a Grant. Today we will be looking at your nonprofit organization. Do you have everything prepared in advance so that when a grant comes around you are READY? For instance, is your tax-exempt 501(c)3 accessible, do you have a bio for all your board members and staff, and do you know all the grants your organization has received and in what year? In 25 minutes Holly will take you through the entire process of what you need to have prepared and how to prepare it. Oh, and sorry about the cold! I might have lost my voice a bit. :( ✨✨ Visit to get the proven G.R.A.N.T.S. formula to write winning grants ✨✨ Favor, please? If you love this podcast, would you please do me a favor and leave a review on iTunes or your podcast listener? This helps others find the podcast and I read each and every review! If you have any questions, feel free to email I’d love to connect with you! YouTube: