Grant Writing & Funding

Ep. 23: Evaluating Projects



“Why should I evaluate a project and why we even talking about that before we just start the project? Can’t I just make the project happen and then look back at it and give my review of it worked or didn’t work?” I hear these types of questions when nonprofits may just want to move. Heck, I asked these same sorts of questions when I was just starting out as a grant writer myself. When we are all pressed for time and ready to go this may seem to make more sense, the ‘do it imperfectly and get it done approach,’ rather than spending a bit more time planning. I get it. I understand sometimes the ‘over planning’ and ‘too-many-meetings’ syndrome. But projects that will really make a great impact to meet the numerous needs in your community aren’t a simple blog post to just get done imperfectly and publish online to move you forward. Projects have deeper repercussions and should have a major impact on your beneficiaries to initiate change. Setting up and Evaluation Plan is vital in the success of how you