Noob Spearo Podcast

NSP:224 Tasmania Spearos Call for Help | Sonny Kaeo Landon-Lane



Interview with Sonny Kaeo Landon-Lane Today's urgent interview is with Sonny Kaeo Landon-Lane highlighting a potential game changing fisheries ban for spearos in Tasmania! The Sand Flathead, Striped Trumpeter, Bastard Trumpeter and the Banded Morwong are all at risk of being completely banned for spearos - are spearos the reason for their decline? How can I get involved and stop this ban from happening? All this and some juicy details about Tasmania spearfishing and dive conditions! Important times: 00:13 Intro 04:05 Welcome Sonny! Kaeo Landon-Lane! 05:05 Spearfishing is becoming more and more popular 09:15 Let's talk about Tasmania spearfishing conditions! 13:15 Tasmanian's love their cooking! 14:55 Where has this attack on spearfishing regulation come from? Sand Flathead 18:10 Striped Trumpeter 24:20 Bastard Trumpeter 25:55 Dislike for spearfishing: average person's view on spearfishing 36:05 Banded Morwong 40:00 Emotionally driven by a poor understanding of spearfishing: the data and figures 42:10 The re