License To Parent With Trace Embry

Ask Trace



Ask Trace If you could sit down and get some free advice from a 20+ year expert on troubled teens, what would you ask? Here I ask questions on behalf of you, our listening friends. Every once in a while we sit Trace Embry down and ask him questions about parenting difficult teens. As you know Trace is the Founder and Executive Director of Shepherd's Hill Academy. Shepherd's Hill has turned around many young people that are heading in the wrong direction. Trace is skilled in working with teens and knowing what it takes to help your teen thrive. Find answers to questions about bullying, discernment, and more. Email to ask your tough questions. Discussing Parenting with Trace Embry Trace Embry is the Founder and Executive Director of Shepherd’s Hill Academy a Christ-centered, outdoor-focused, year-long, therapeutic boarding academy for troubled youth. Trace and his wife Beth started Shepherd’s Hill Academy in 2001 to bring healing to hurting families. They came to Christ after becom