Ladey Adey Show

Jerry Strayve Jr. talks Broken Promises and co-writing with whistle-blower Marine Corps Ted Blickwedel



In this episode, Ladey Adey interviews Jerry Strayve Jr. Jerry talks us through his life, born to a military family, attending nine schools before entering college. Following service in the United States Marine Corps, he raised a family while working as a financial representative and serial entrepreneur.Whilst raising his young children Jerry discovered his love for spinning a spontaneous tale. It wasn't long before his love for history and stories combined and he jumped into writing. Jerry started with fiction, works include the first two books in a four-book series, Broxton's Century. Book three in the series will be published in February 2023.During this podcast predominantly hear about the book Broken Promises. 40 years previously Jerry had served with Ted Blickwedel when they were both young lieutenants in the Marine Corps.When their paths crossed again, they combined their knowledge and experiences to write the book Broken Promises, "Witness the Heroic yet devastating crusade by