The Rich Roll Podcast

Transcending The Shadow Artist



Yes, this is a health & fitness podcast. But physical health is only one component of holistic wellness. If your life feels amiss, your unfocused mind wanders or your spirit is adrift, then are you truly healthy in a complete sense? Of course not. So after several very nutrition and athlete focused episodes, it feels right to swing the pendulum from the physical back to the more ephemeral and return Julie Piatt to the co-host seat so we can roll up our sleeves and delve into matters less — well, let's say “tactile” — and examine what's behind the blocks preventing us from actualizing those latent dreams deferred that reside within all too many of us. It all starts and ends with creativity. And creativity my friends, isn't just for “artists” — because we are all artists, our lives and passions the expression of that art. To wit: * What is impairing your ability to realize the best version of yourself? * What is a shadow artist and how can it be overcome? * Tools for tackling self-doubt, fear patterns & obstac