The Rich Roll Podcast

Meatonomics: How the Bizarre, Rigged Economics of the Meat and Dairy Industries Co-Opt Consumer Choice



Sometimes I feel like some kind of fringe conspiracy theorist. I didn't used to be this way, I promise. But the more I delve into how things work — truly work — the more amazed I am by what I discover. I don't care if you are vegan, locavore, pescatarian, paleo, primal, high-carb, low-carb, or slow-carb. Everyone deserves to be optimally informed when it comes to how our food is harvested, distributed and marketed. And yet, quite unfortunately, most consumers lack even a basic awareness of the dynamics at play, let alone a working understanding of the formidable economic protocols that function behind the production of meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. It is incumbent upon all of us to take personal responsibility for educating ourselves about the economic machinations that dominate and drive our food system. Why? Because these forces affect all of us, irrespective of dietary preference. And because informed choice is power.  Today on the show I am pleased to introduce David Robinson Simon, attorney, advocate for