Henry & Hops

Episode 8.5 - Special Report Iowa Caucus 2016



Interrupting this month before the 20th, Henry and Hops bring you a Special Report on the 2016 Iowa Caucus. Besides a couple beer reviews, Hunter and Josh discuss the controversy revolving around the democratic party, and what the results means to the rest of the primaries. We also learn a new word, discuss the wedding, Hunter forgets the name of a beer representative, and Josh burps a lot (Durst style). Enjoy. Bye! Recorded (2/2/16) A weekly podcast discussing topics related to politics, culture, and beer. Hosted by Hunter Meyer and Joshua Bennett Schwartz (aka Juicebox), Henry and Hops follows two friends as they journey through the world of beer and confront social and political topics that happen to arise along the way. A podcast about life, friendship, and humor, with a little music here and there. Now on Itunes!