

Throughout this series, we’ve seen how our orphan hearts tend to look to everything but God for the significance, security, and satisfaction we long for deep down. We’ve seen how we look to people, power, and possessions to know who we are. And, how they all end up letting us down.   But the good news is that we don’t have to live like orphans in this universe, always fending for ourselves. Jesus has made the way back home to our Father. He died in our place and for our sake. He exchanged identities with us. And He rose again so that we can come home to the Father by grace through faith in Christ.   Which means we can now live, not as orphans, but as children of God. Our truest, fullest, deepest, thickest, most durable and robust identity is simply to be: A child of God.   And as we wrap up the series, we’ll explore a few final insights on living as a Child of God.   1) The Worship of Identity:   Every single one of us has a sense of identity, a sense of self in this wide world. Now, what’s interes