Live Well Long Alexandra Van Horn

(Ep50A) Technology challenges and Side-hustles: Decrease your stress by being LinkedIn savvy to connect with ideal clients with Laura Barker



Live Well Long was created as a way of sharing teachings, information, tips and tricks to help anyone interested in Living Well and Longer.  That includes practical ways of minimizing stress. Many people have begun pivoting or adding side-hustles to their day.  Many are challenged with being immersed in our technology-driven culture. Listen while Laura shares ways of using LinkedIn to connect with potential clients or business contacts that can actually help you decrease your stress level! Laura Barker is an attorney by trade but an entrepreneur at heart.  She is an international business owner, consultant, and trainer who works with business owners and professionals to maximize their growth opportunities while minimizing risk. Her business acumen spans across a variety of industries including having founded her own law firm, co-founding an internationally successful retail business, and consulting for a wide spectrum of businesses including manufacturing, retail, professional service businesse