Sunday Morning Podcast | The Moody Church

Solomon’s Trap—Seeking Satisfaction Through Possessions



In this sermon, we look at the 9th and final identity trap: Solomon aimed for satisfaction through possessions.   King Solomon was one of three great kings who ruled over Israel. King Solomon’s story is a fascinating and cautionary tale. The story begins fairly well and things seem to be going so great, but then Solomon kind of goes off the deep end and everything starts to fall apart. It’s only at the end of his life, when Solomon looks back on all his mistakes, that he begins to see life clearly.   They say, “It’s good to learn from your own mistakes, it’s better to learn from the mistakes of others.” Solomon made some big mistakes, so there’s a lot we can learn from him. We’ll look at his life in three parts:   1) Solomon’s Ascent: In the beginning, Solomon looked to the Lord for the good life.   Solomon became King when he was just 20 years old, and he loved the Lord. He walked in the statutes of David his father, following his example and counsel.   There was on only one small problem: Solomon