
A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 94 excerpt)



Story 94 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie. With the death of a loved one, a grieving period is important, as is understanding how the mind works and how doing nothing with clear comprehension does not eliminate the grief. Once again, grieving is a natural condition of the mind. It is neither good nor bad. Some may be tempted to put on a happy face to demonstrate the powers of meditation. They can keep up the façade for a while. In time the effort to remain calm peters out. The suppressed grief returns in a myriad of ways later in life, when perhaps you cannot see a direct correlation between what you are presently dealing with and the death of someone close some months or even years before.... narrated by Ian McCrorie 2023 3 minutes 30 seconds Listen to Streaming Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Audio (