Guided Meditation For Sleep.

Your Sleep Guru (Trailer)



Sleep and relaxation are essential, wouldn’t you agree? Putting aside time to experience a guided visualization can help you have an afternoon power nap or a refreshing night's sleep. Guided imagery is a method that helps with relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety. These recordings allow you to visualize yourself in peaceful natural environments away from everyday worries or concerns. Oneness with nature is also calming and powerful because nature provides excellent stress relief, allowing you to detach further from things that create stress or pain in the first place. As you become absorbed in the details of the landscape and the nature described in each episode, your state of relaxation will deepen. Poor sleep is linked to depression, lack of concentration, and an impaired immune system, to name but a few things. That's why sleep is essential. So find a comfortable place, and close your eyes; you are going on an imaginary retreat where you can find relaxation and sleep! What Listeners Say: "With gratitu