Retire With Integrity Podcast With Brian Bowen

Cleaning Out Your Financial Closet



Are you ready for some spring cleaning? More than just your closet or garage, you might want to assess what’s in your financial closet. You might not want to address everything in there, but it would be wise to review it with your advisor. We’ve all made bad financial decisions, you just have to learn from them. In this episode, Brian shares some tips on how to clean up your financial closet.  Here’s what you’ll learn on today’s show: Visiting with a financial advisor is like opening up a financial closet. (1:39) Why Brian enjoys the process of organizing financial messes. (5:50) How can you start to begin organizing your financial life? (8:19) Mailbag: Business owner, ready to retire. What now? (11:50)   Mailbag: Do I have to take a distribution every year on an inherited IRA? (18:55)   Get Additional Information: