Nfl Life Journey With Quentin Gause

The Life Journey Podcast Episode 38



Stephanie Michelle James, also known as “Just A Vessel,” is a poet, vocalist, and speaker.  She is a Digital Nomad who has traveled to 38 states and 38 countries.  She spends 1-2 months in each country sharing her gifts around the world.  She is also the Founder of Same Shirt Different Country (SSDC), a minimalist movement to inspire others to “Pack Less and Travel More.” Originally from Colorado Springs, CO, her passion for poetry began in 2004 at her alma mater, Hampton University.  She also played basketball at Hampton and was named the first women’s basketball player in history to win the Presidential Recipient Award, graduating summa cum laude. Residing in the Washington DC area for 8 consecutive years, she quickly made a name for herself in the community.  Beginning in 2013, she was a wedding singer for three years, serenading over 80 weddings.  In 2015, she began hosting Spirits & Lyrics Open Mic venue in Rockville, MD for two years and then went on to host shows in Pr