Adoption Hacks: Adoption And Foster Care Support And Education

46. When You Run Out of Compassion as a Parent with Melissa Corkum



All parents run out of empathy and compassion at some points... especially parents with kids who come from trauma backgrounds... and especially during a global pandemic! Melissa Corkum breaks down why and how parents run out of compassion and experience blocked care and how this relates to our kids blocked trust. She also shares encouraging words about why we should not feel guilt when we have hit moments where we want to give up. She gives us practical ways to care for ourselves and parent compassionately again and supportive advice for families during a time of unpredictability and quarantine. Her and her team at The Adoption Connection have created wonderful resources and practical steps to parent compassionately, which they are sharing with Adoption Hacks listeners! Compassion Quiz and Resources: Find more of Melissa's resources at Instagram:  TheAdoptionConnection Facebook:  The Adoption Connection