Adoption Hacks: Adoption And Foster Care Support And Education

73. Adoption Profile Book Advice with Kindred + Co.



On this episode we have some very practical and helpful advice about profile books from the amazing Kindred + Co. Team! Profile books are used by domestic infant adoptive parents and it can be overwhelming to know how to create one of these books and what you should and shouldn’t include. So Hannah Eloge and Jessie Mattos are here to walk us through it all! Kindred + Co. creates modern, custom adoption profile books for prospective adoptive parents. Kindred + Co. was the first profile book provider to have a birth mom on their team that educates clients on language and best practices for making your profile book. Kindred helps you make a book that you can feel proud to present - while making sure that every expectant mom that flips through your book feels seen and respected. Kindred also hosts online coffee hours, in person retreats and hopefully will be launching their first conference in the near future. Weekly, you can find blogs written by all sides of the triad at To learn more you