Mike Safo

Mike Safo with Abbott Kahler and Erik Larson



Joined today by TWO New York Times best-selling authors, Erik Larson and Abbott Kahler. Abbott and Erik share their story on how they met 20 years ago, what shocked them to learn about each other, and why they have stayed friends for such a long period of time. Abbott talks about why she changed her name at 40, if she is worried that her name change will affect her book sales, and why changing her first name to Abbott might actually help her non-fiction writing. We chat about Abboot working as a beat reporter in Philly, doing ride alongs, and the cattiness that are Philly sport fans. Abbott chats about her new upcoming podcast, the process with doing it and when it's dropping. We talk about her hit book "The Ghosts of Eden Park", why and when she became fascinated with George Remus, what he meant to prohibition, if he's the greatest bootlegger of all time, and the murder and the trial of the century. Erik and Abbott share about putting their boots to the ground and doing old fashion detective work when they r