Macro Ops

Trading For Long Term Compounding Returns



Warren Buffett is best known for his ability to pick stocks and earn compounding interest over the long haul.   Most people associate trading with high risk, high return. But about 90% of all traders don't actually make money.   Imagine spending all day trading only to end the month negative, and not making that 10, 100, 1,000% that the Instagram butt Models are promising you...that's what 90% of all traders do.   Now imagine having a strategy that YOU built, your very own, that makes 2R per month for the rest of your life!  That's what we do in the Trading Lab  ***DISCLAIMER: Everything I talk about here is for informational and educational purposes, this is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security.*** ------------------------------- Sign up for my FREE Newsletter where I go deep multiple times per week on markets, trading strategies, theories and real ideas to help traders improve. I highly recommend you take those emails a