The Rich Roll Podcast

Mishka Shubaly Interviews Rich



THE BEAST RETURNS! Once again, I'm switching gears. The interviewer becomes the interviewee. Part II. Mishka was a super popular guest on the podcast about a month ago. If you listened to the interview, you know we went deep — exhaustingly deep perhaps. Despite the fact that I had never previously met Mishka face-to-face, I had a knowing sense that we would hit it off given our many points in common – writing, running, alcoholism & sobriety. There was an immediate short hand, and we just went straight to the core until we both felt like we were drowning in molten lava when the interview was over. So when my publisher raised the issue of having someone interview me to coincide with the release of the paperback version of Finding Ultra* — hitting bookshelves and online retailers 5/21! — I knew Mishka more than fit the bill. Osher Günsberg hit the nail on the head with Part I of this self-involved and shameless self-promotional podcast double, and Mishka picks right up with Part II right where Osher left off — r