The Rich Roll Podcast

On Sobriety, Prison & His Quest to Become The Fastest Human To Run Across The United States



People ask me all the time, “Who inspires you, Rich?” For the most part, the people that inspire me are people you've never heard of. Everyman guys like Josh LaJaunie who toil tirelessly yet essentially anonymously to actualize profound personal change. The single dad working two jobs that still finds a way to lose 50 pounds, get off his statin medication and run his first 10K. Or the soldier stationed in the Middle East doing his best to eat plant-based despite confronting tremendous daily obstacles. Then there are guys like Charlie. The story of Charlie Engle first found it's way into my consciousness back around 2006 or 2007. I still vividly recall hearing Charlie relate the facts of his experience in a radio interview he did with a host I cannot recall. What I do recall is just how moved I was by his journey. A story that didn't just click with me, but one I related to with every fiber of who I am. Addict. Alcoholic. Sober. Ultrarunner. Father. Felon. Inspiration. Charlie is a man of very high highs and v