Sunday Morning Podcast | The Moody Church

Samaritan’s Trap—Seeking Satisfaction Through People



In this sermon, we turn the corner to our desire for satisfaction and how that too so often leads us into the trap of looking to people, power, or possessions instead of the ultimate satisfaction that is ours in Jesus.   Our story is taking from John 4, where a find a pivotal conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman at a well. We’ll focus in on this woman’s identity trap and how it is that Jesus frees her to find true satisfaction.   1) Her Trap   We find three clues to her identity trap scattered throughout this chapter. First, she’s drawing water at the wrong time of day. Second, the conversation she has with Jesus is about satisfaction, and imagery used is related to water. And third, Jesus calls out her string of broken marriages and relationships.   The Samaritan woman is seeking satisfaction through people. She’s living like an orphan, looking for love in all the wrong places.   2) Her Thirst   Jesus tells her that He can offer an endless supply of living water. And when she asks for