Sunday Morning Podcast | The Moody Church

Naomi—Seeking Satisfaction Through Power



In this sermon, we look at Naomi’s identity trap: looking for satisfaction through power.   We meet Naomi in the Old Testament book of Ruth. Ruth is Naomi’s daughter-in-law. Usually, when we study this book, we’re focused in on the beautiful love story that takes place between Ruth and Boaz. And Naomi is sort of off on the sidelines like a supporting actor.   But, you could argue that it’s the other way around, that Naomi is in fact the main character and Ruth and Boaz are the supporting act. After all, the story begins with Naomi and ends with Naomi, and the marriage of Ruth and Boaz is really a subplot in the greater story of God’s loving-kindness in Naomi’s life.   This is the story of how an orphan-hearted widow learned to live as a beloved child of God.   1) Naomi: Bitter   Naomi is desperate for satisfaction, as her broken heart gives up on people and turns instead to power.   She is bitter and burnt, because  everyone she’s ever trusted has let her down. Without a husband, without sons and