Hope Rescue

Seeking God's Will: 8 Questions to Ask When Facing Life's Crossroads | Episode 189 | Hope Rescue Podcast



As Christians, we all long to know God’s plan for our lives. We want to know that we are on the right path, that we are fulfilling His purposes, and that we are making the right decisions. Yet, despite our best efforts, we can still feel unsure of what God wants us to do. When faced with big life decisions, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and worry that we might miss God’s will. However, we can take comfort in knowing that God is always with us, guiding us and leading us towards His perfect plan. While we may not hear an audible voice or receive a clear-cut answer, we can determine God’s will by seeking Him through prayer, studying His Word, and listening to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. As we do so, we can ask ourselves the eight important questions discussed in this week's podcast episode. To purchase Tim's new book "Breathe": https://www.hoperescue.org/product-page/breathe For more information on this particular show, be sure to check out the show notes on https://www.hoperescue.org/ If you enjoyed listening,