Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

The power of music with visionary singer-songwriter Lucie Lynch



The first time I heard Lucie’s music, I was transported…not to a far away place of rainbows and puppies…but home, to myself. I was at a women’s circle gathering. Lucie played to close the circle and give thanks for what was shared among the amazing women who had opened their hearts to one another for an afternoon. When she began to sing and play her guitar, I was compelled to close my eyes and sway along in complete bliss and gratitude. When I thought about who I would interview for my podcast, Lucie was one of the first people that came to mind. Why? Because her music heals. At least that’s the experience I have had and I wanted to share that with you. Music is an incredible healer, catharsis, friend, and constant companion on our journey through life. I don’t want to know what a world without music would be like. Lucie’s music is soul candy, and I’m so happy to have it in the world. In our conversation, Lucie and I talk about the incredibly brave and intuitive choices she’s made as an artist, her hit mu