Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Midwifery, women’s health, and plugging into Source, with Genell Mikkalson, RN, MSM, CNM



What’s so beautiful about death? Is what you think about yourself and others to be true, really true? Should you practice not orgasming with your partner?!? These are a few of the topics we cover in my episode with Genell Mikkalson. Genell Mikkalson, RN, MSN, CNM We also explore midwifery, women’s health, plugging into Source, bullying in the Western Medical system and what’s being done about it, trusting the Universe, sex, vaccine controversy…and more! Our conversation is packed with jewels of insight that I know will move you along your journey of healing, being, and just living a rich life. My guest, Genell Mikkalson, is an experienced midwife, teacher, nurse, student of Byron Katie’s The Work, mother, healer, and a very aware human being. She’s currently on faculty at the University of Hawaii in the nursing program. She also brings her student interns to hospitals on Oahu (in obstetrics) and to the Hawaii State Hospital where they work with Adult Mental Health. Join us for an hour (and a half-we h