Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Cancer; fighting it won’t heal it



The big “C.” I suggest a radical dissociation with cancer and fighting. Like all things that are fought against, when we wage a war on cancer, it only gets worse, for the one who has it, and for the collective consciousness of a society who’s rates of cancer keep increasing. Let’s think about other things we “fight” as a society; drugs, crime, hate, racism, I could go on. I could ramble on with statistics, or I could just tell you that the war on all of these things does not make them go away, or even improve. The only thing that can eradicate something you wish were different, is love. What you fight against only grows stronger, because the attention is that of wishing it wasn’t there. What if, when you were diagnosed with cancer or some other dis-ease in the body, you loved it? Fully, unconditionally, and with an expanded heart? What if you said, “thank you,” and then opened to the message this dis-ease has just for you. It’s only there, after all, to wake you up from some slumber you forgot you were in, t