Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Question the Universe, delete old programs, and clear blocks to healing, with psychic channel Marilyn DeMattos



“What else is possible?” “What energy can I be today to allow for optimal healing?”  These are just a few of the questions you can ask the Universe, and get exactly what you need in the moment. You have the power to ask and receive, all day long. My guest, psychic channel, Access Consciousness practitioner, Akashic record reader, and all around extraordinary human, Marilyn DeMattos, takes us into the world of questioning the Universe, so that we may receive what’s in our Highest good…just by asking for it. Marilyn has been on a spiritual journey since she was a child, always asking, “why, what, how, Universe!?!?” With a mother that was also a psychic channel, she grew up in a house where it was the norm, and I believe it helped Marilyn become the incredibly talented and intuitive healer she is today (although she wouldn’t tell you she’s a healer…but she most certainly is). She helps people in her practice with all sorts of issues and guides them to their own Highest intuition for healing. In our conversatio