Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Transforming pain, with Jennifer Oney



“When you’re at peace with yourself, you’re at peace with the world.” -Jennifer Oney Who is your “person?” You know, the one you call when you are in grand celebration or desperate despair? You may have more than one, or they may change throughout your lifetime. It’s probably a spouse or best friend or family member. My person (besides my family of course), is Jennifer Oney. Ever since we met in the Newark, New Jersey airport on our way to study abroad in France, she has been my person. Me and Jen O, up to our usual shenanigans, playing with Jenn L’s wheelchair while she was laughing and taking pictures. We have never lived in the same place, not even close to each other, but we are connected in the way that is rare and sweet and beautiful and the most natural thing in the world. I can’t talk about my friendship with Jen O unless I mention the other Jenn (Jennifer Leach), the 3rd member of our BFF gang. The three of us together was a force…Jenn L transitioned from her body over a year ago, and not a day