Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Dancing with Love’s light



The invitation to dance and bask in the light of love is unending, forever, infinite, and infinitely abundant. There can never be too much love. There can be, in the world, too much of almost anything, but love is the exception…which is pretty exceptional. Love is the answer to all questions, the cure for all that ails you, and the transformer of everything unlike itself. If you’re ready to dive into ALL LOVE for the next 37 minutes, head over to iTunes to listen to my “All love baby” episode.  No matter what your challenge is in the moment…tired, stressed, frustrated, hopeless, in pain…this episode will leave you feeling full and alive again right smack in the middle of love’s heart. I share with you some words on self-love that were given to me (by my special guides/angels/council) for you, and I do a guided meditation at the end of the episode to help you get your fabulous tender heart into love’s vibration. And…I’m extending the iTunes review contest until the end of June. If you leave a review, you’