Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Your Life Deserves a Mission Statement



“We cannot sleepwalk. We cannot just survive, anything goes. We can take control of our lives, we can quit sleepwalking, we can say — right now, these are our lives, it is time to start living it. It is time to not second guess, to move forward, to make mistakes if we have to, but to do it with a greater good in mind.” –The Infamous Mission Statement Tom Cruise wrote in the middle of the night in Jerry Maguire It wakes you up, your Mission Statement, whether in the middle of the night or smack dab in the middle of a day that you are sleepwalking through. It happens in an instant or in a thousand little instances that lead to one moment. A few weeks ago I wrote a Mission Statement for my business; it lit me up and inspired me with so many ideas for not only why I do what I do, but for life. This got me thinking, why can’t we also create a Mission Statement for our life? If you’re unhappy and unfulfilled, or there’s that lingering gnaw in your stomach that you know you’re not living a life aligned with your