Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

The Elixir of Transcendental Meditation



It was Christmastime, December 16th actually, 2011. A date that will stay with me, like a birthday or anniversary…or the day I moved to Hawaii. I was driving home from my first session of Transcendental Meditation (TM) with my teacher, Mary. There were Christmas lights on all the houses as I wound through Kaimuki and back down to my little house next to Diamond Head, and I thought those lights were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I was flying high…feeling blissfully, completely, at home in myself and the world. It wasn’t mania or happiness that comes from something having “happened,” I was just in the world at that moment, enjoying every single breath that connected me deeper to the Field of Infinite Potential, of Unbounded Awareness, of All That Is…having an awareness of the Christmas lights as though they were everything that existed in all the Universes. I couldn’t remember the last time I had had that feeling, that knowing, that everything was okay…no, perfect, exactly as it was. There was nowh