Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Thriving in Addiction Recovery



“Can I go without this for 30 days?” One of the things Ted Izydor, Addiction Recovery Specialist, and I talk about in this episode is what a good first step is if you suspect you may have a substance use disorder. Our focus in this conversation is on substances like alcohol and drugs, but an addiction can be to anything…sugar, a certain food, caffeine, sex, another person, shopping. Ted Izydor, MS, MBA Addictions are the distractions that we use to keep us from living, from fully participating in the moment. We distract ourselves because we’re afraid of what we’ll find if we don’t. We fear the pain that will come up in the place of eating that pan of brownies or drowning ourselves in alcohol. If you suspect you may be addicted to something, I invite you to ask that question, “Can I go without this for 30 days?” What you do with the answer is up to you. If you’re curious about your options, listen to this episode. If you are a recovering addict and are looking for support, this is the episode for you. T