Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

3 forgiveness practices that free you



Forgiveness is not an act of weakness, it is the ultimate act of love. The love I’m talking about here is ultimately self-love, because all forgiveness is ultimately forgiveness of self. When you can forgive yourself for expecting another person (or yourself) to have behaved differently, you are forever free. Join me in this special episode where I talk about 3 specific practices you can use right now to begin the forgiveness process, and how withholding forgiveness can create physical illness. It’s your choice to forgive, and the time to start is now. There is no greater freedom than is found in a light and loving heart. This is not a denial of events, rather an acceptance that it was meant to be part of your experience all along, and even more, an opportunity to open your heart and love even deeper. If you suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, chronic fatigue or pain, or another chronic health challenge, and you know you’ve been withholding forgiveness for yourself or another, this episode is a must listen