Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

On Being Your Bad Ass Self, with Angela Archer



“Imagine what is possible when you give yourself permission to be who you are.” Kathy Quinlan Perez I met Angela a little over a year ago when we both signed up for an online course. I don’t even remember what it was about, other than “creating your life.” Unbeknownst to me, my reason for signing up for the course was to meet Angela. We were assigned as accountability partners and hit it off immediately. Since then, Angela and I have kept in touch, her in Los Angeles and me in Honolulu. We have yet to meet in person, but I know it will happen soon. I wanted to interview Angela for my show because each time we speak I wish I had recorded it! In our conversation here, we cover a lot of areas…financial balance, intuition, yoga, meditation, surrender, fear vs. love, forgiveness, questioning your “truth,” self-love…and more! The thread that seemed to run through it all is just being YOU, no matter what.  If you lived through the lens of your true self in each moment, how would that change your life? What if you