Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

26 Signs You’re Probably an Alien



If you’re reading this, the chances are good you’ve come here (as in, Earth) from some other place in the Universes, and are feeling a bit uneasy about it. Or maybe you feel great about it! Either way, you need to know you’re not alone. You have a tribe, and I’m happy to be a part of it. I have gotten a message a lot over the years, from my angels, council, the Powers that Be, to just be myself, in all my alien glory. That doesn’t mean I came here in my spaceship in a human disguise, no, nothing like that. It means that on another planet and from another time, my soul was not in human form. I chose this human form for a very important reason, and if that resonates with you, you probably did too. Many of the souls I am blessed to guide through life and challenges are like this too…so I felt I should go ahead and reach out to you far and wide, and make the “call,” if you will. We are here, it’s important, and together we can do the work of raising human consciousness. Even if you feel very human, and nothing e