Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Clarity Before Action?



Do you need to have clarity before you take action? And what does it mean to be clear anyway? Is there a difference between a clear head and a clear heart? Why yes, yes there is. I have been feeling the confusion in the air, with the end of the year (and an “ending” year at that), and the shift in consciousness fast-tracked due to recent world events. Are you confused? Do you feel unsure of the state of the world, and thus yourself? I absolutely know how confusing all the natural healing information out there can be, if you’re on a journey of healing the body. What if you could just listen to your own intuition, your own inner knowingness…and that was enough? Doesn’t it feel good just to think about? Take a deep breath, and join me in this solo episode where I explore how clarity plays a part in taking action that’s in your Highest Good, and also what to do when you’re so confused you feel you have no access to clarity at all. Listen below or on iTunes. And please, leave us a review on iTunes so we can ge