Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

The 5 Stages of Awakening



More love. No matter where you are in your journey of awakening to the brilliance of who you Truly are, the answer is always, more love. I was guided to lay out these 5 stages of awakening, not so you can identify with a stage and then judge yourself and others based on said stage, but so you can get a sense of what’s possible, and how to get “there.” Of course, there is no there, there. We are here, now, and that is all. The intention of this episode is to invite you to expand yourself, to see the bigger picture of the unlimitedness that you are and that the Universe is. I hope you enjoy and share with those you love. Those around you, the ones you feel may not be open to your journey of awakening, may be ready for their own journey. It is a time of great expansion of human consciousness and heart, and all are susceptible to a greater Truth that is known by the depths of their spirit. If you feel an opening, a guidance, to share your journey (or this episode) with a friend or loved one, go for it! I have