Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Upgrade Your Body to Light



The human body can feel heavy, dense, weighted down by your worries, perceived problems and day to day life. This heavy feeling is a reminder to release whatever is keeping you completely identified with your body, and with the life you’ve created for yourself. From mysticmamma.com Yes, your body is part of you. Your job and friends and home and preferences are also a part of you…or rather, a part of your experience. Your body is a great and loving tool you can tune into, to bring awareness to the parts you have forgotten to love. Feeling connected to and in love with your beautiful unique physical self can connect you so much deeper to that which you truly are. You are God/Source/All That Is. And through your body you have the opportunity to experience your unlimited potentiality. Upgrading your body to light is one way of releasing what doesn’t align with your infinite self, so you can remember that all you are is light…and love. Your Essence is that which is unspeakable, but the closest I believe we