Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Rise…and meet your soul’s calling



You are whole. You are holy. You are Divine. Or, as Aibileen from the popular book, The Help says, “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.“ And, you is. All of those things and more. You came here to be YOU, in all your human glory. Many of the mainstream messages we get are more like: Be sensible. Be quiet. Be like everyone else. Reclaiming your power and rising up doesn’t have to mean making a huge life change or writing your manifesto in one fell swoop. It doesn’t have to mean you alienate your loved ones and burn the bridges of the current life you’re living. It just means that today, you choose you. And then do it again tomorrow, ad infinitum. When you choose you, you will be living a life from the wisdom of your soul. When that happens, you light up the world…and everyone in it. What could be more important? Whatever choosing you means, do it. If you’d like a little inspiration to rise, and come along with me on this journey, listen to this week’s episode on iTunes, or below. I also talk abou