Truthstream Oasis

(TSO) Conspiracy: Disillusioned on Purpose



Let's dig into a statement made in the letter written by Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini in August 1871 and hopefully get to the bottom of what he was really saying. I believe a deeper look will reveal some things that will help make sense of what we are now seeing play out before our eyes. This podcast is really meant as a deeper revelation into what I have been trying to express in other podcasts. I believe it really "illuminates" the gameplan that has been "lodged" against all who would seek the Truth (Christ). We live in strange days. I'm very concerned that there has been SO much focus on exposing things that lurk in the darkness that we may have crossed the line. If we are not careful, we are going to be a part of that disillusionment process. If we are going to expose things, we must use the Word of God. "Thy W