Truthstream Oasis

(TSO-44) Justified by Faith: Galatians 4



Now we are getting into the "meat" of Galatians. Listen to this one more than once if you need to. Let this sink deeply into your spirit. Law vs. Grace is a struggle that Satan does not want you to overcome. Come out of the slavery of Egypt. Come out of bondage to the Law. The Law was made for law-breakers. Step into the freedom that Christ offers us. The Freedom to Obey. Obedience brings freedom. Only the Spirit can guide us (through the thirst for righteousness that He put there..) to the freedom that comes through obedience. Learn the difference between justification by law and justification by faith. Learn the two covenants and their purpose. Oh the DEPTH and WIDTH of the love of God our Father through Christ our Lord! "He whom the Son sets free.... is FREE INDEED!!"