The Intuitive Woman

Changing The Face Of Yoga With Stephanie Cunningham



I loved speaking to Stephanie Cunningham about yoga from a teacher's perspective. Teaching myself since 2004, I have taught to many different populations. We spoke openly about how yoga can be perceived through social media and how it can deter many people. What a refreshing conversation, to see Stephanie's outlook and how she began teaching to seniors and now is passionate to share her podcast "Changing the Face of Yoga" In her podcast she interviews a variety of yoga teachers that teach special populations. Tweets: "Yoga's just me now, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have yoga" "There's so much more to yoga then Instagram snaps" "My meet them where they are and you try to take them on a little journey" "That's the passion to get everyone to understand how great yoga is" More about Stephanie: I decided to teach yoga to seniors when I helped my Mom with her lower back pain due to arthritis. My mom is a little firecracker who is always in motion and we all have to move fast when she start