The Intuitive Woman

381: Meditation: Reflect on your Year



To best experience this energy healing...I suggest having paper and pen beside you…. The year has come to an end....let us reflect and bless all our experiences challenges and growth..... I bless you on this day...I bless our space... our year... May we learn from and take what we have learned forward for our continued journey called life. I call forth our own spirit.... spirit guides and angels to assist us....and so. It is and so be any intentions you may have in your mind and in your heart now..... Close your eyes…. The year is almost complete.... feel a sense of accomplishment or maybe relief. Both are ok....all of it.. it is lessons..... the good and the not so creates this weave and flow. We call life….. Come to the breath... breathe in through your nose and out your and through your nose and out your mouth...on each inhale you bring an inner smile to all the wondrous things of the year that has been....and on the exhale you release what doesn’t serve you f