Sunday Morning Podcast | The Moody Church

Gideon—Seeking Security Through Power



In this sermon, we look back over 3 millennia to the story of Gideon and his identity trap—seeking security through power.   1) Gideon’s Test   Gideon was a tribal warrior leader-judge. His story takes place between 1179-1154 BC and is recorded in the Book of Judges chapter 6. The context of the story is clear in the opening: the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. They were disloyal and broke the covenant, and so God disciplined them through the oppression of the Midianites. Before the might and strength of the Midianites, the Israelites found themselves powerless and diminished. Yet even in disciplining them, God, in His great love, calls the people of Israel back and restores them through a rescue He is orchestrating.   Enter Gideon, whose name means “hacker.” We find him threshing wheat in a winepress, hiding from the Midianites.  An angel of the Lord appears to Gideon and informs him that the Lord chose him to rescue Israel. But Gideon is scared and feels powerless. He is l