Chats With Susan Burrell

The Tingling Energy of Life



EP #219 - The Tingling Energy of Life - A Solo Episode with the host of Empowering Chats, Susan Burrell Join me for this solo episode as I introduce the theme for the month of March, which is Energy.  I like to think of energy as a spiritual conductive feeling in my body. And you all know me well enough by now that I like to look up the definition of words – even common words that we already know the meaning of; I still find it interesting and informative to read the dictionary definition. So here goes. Energy is defined as: The capacity for vigorous activity. The ability to act and affect others. It can often be a forcefulness of expression. Some individual words that pop up for me are: vitality, potency and animation. It is also what gives us the feeling of engaging in life, or what I like to call source energy. When we focus on the spirit within us we can feel stronger and more alive. Lots of ancient wisdoms have words for this inner energy that we all carry. For me meditation helps me to access my inner