5 Smooth Stones

Black History Facts Like Few Have Heard (No sin, no white skin)



TONIGHT, Black History Facts Like Few Have Heard (No sin, no white skin), Tuesday night, 02-28-23, we share the true origins of mankind and how it all began with so-called people of color, and we share facts and proof to the nth degree.The notion that one should reduce or separate black history from mainstream history is either ignorant or pure evil. HISTORY OF THE PLANET IS VASTLY A PAST OF DARK SKIN PEOPLE. I was given this insight many years ago by what I believe was the Holy Spirit. It's perfectly ok to repeat the truth spoken by others, but I submit to you, I didn't have that leisure, which is why I speak boldly on this matter tonight. *** Please, no hatred or disrespect, this teaching will be brought to you in love and appreciation for all of God's creation *** Tune in to see how humanity is one blood and what happened and what is to come. To listen, call (914) 205-5590. (Phone lines are limited.) To listen and/or chat online, go to this link:  http://tobtr.com/12202557