Leading Young

GOOD NEWS: The Kingdom is Here (Part 1)



In this episode, we explore what the gospel is and its relevance to the Kingdom of God. We discuss what God's Kingdom is, how we enter it, and whether or not we can be kicked out of God's Kingdom once gaining access.   Because this conversation went for so long, we decided to split this up into two parts. The second part will be posted in a few short days! JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/simplylovejesus/ BECOME AN ENCOURAGER: We desire to produce most of our content for free. But in order to keep doing this, we need your help. So we would love for you to consider becoming part of our team by supporting us financially. By doing so, you get access to exclusive benefits for Encouragers only. https://patreon.com/sljministries  Where else you can find us: INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sljministries  TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sljministries SIMPLY LOVE JESUS (book): https://a.co/d/8IjEiYx  BUSINESS INQUIRIES  Please email caleb@simplylovejesus.com ---