Sunday Morning Podcast | The Moody Church

Esther—Seeking Security Through People



In this sermon, we go back 2,500 years to the Medo-Persian Empire to discover Esther’s identity trap—seeking security through people. Through the story, we’ll see how God loves her out of her orphan-hearted identity and into the true security of living as a child of God.   Esther’s Secret: The story begins with King Xerxes casting his queen, Vashti, aside and seeking a new queen. In the process, Xerxes uses power to exploit and use women for his own purposes. And Esther is caught in the rounding up or young women into the king’s harem as he looks for a new queen. As she enters the palace and makes her way to the top of the system, Mordecai instructs her not to reveal her Jewish background. Mordecai is not trusting God, nor is he behaving life a faithful Israelite or protecting Esther. He’s using Esther to get ahead in Persian society. And Esther just wants to be safe, so she goes along with his plan. Esther’s identity is formed around finding security through people. She’ll be whomever she needs to be to